College & Young Adult

At First Baptist, we believe college students and young adults are vital to the life and body of our church. This significant life stage is a formational time and often brings questions about faith, identity, belonging, and purpose. Our College and Young Adult ministry is an outlet and safe space to explore all the questions life brings. Whether you are pursuing a degree, working towards a career, or still figuring it all out, our College and Young Adult ministry can help you connect and grow. We have multiple events throughout the year that promote discussion, fellowship, and fun.

For questions or connections contact Pastor Brittany at

Follow us @fbccomocollege on Instagram

Sunday Night Gatherings

During the school year, our college and young adult ministry gather for a time of connection and conversation. This group typically functions like a book study centered on faith formation. But the truth is, whether you read the book or not, our evenings are full of conversation for us to explore our faith together. Sunday Night Gatherings happen during the school year at 6 pm in the college room.

One-on-One Hangouts 

Sometimes you just need someone to talk with or just someone to listen. Whatever the case, our Pastor of Spiritual Formation, Brittany McDonald Null is available. Pastor Brittany has community office hours on Wednesday afternoons and you can just drop by or you can always call (573) 442-1149 or email   to set up a time to hang out at a different time. Hint: she is ALWAYS down to grab a cup of coffee! 

Sunday Morning Small Groups 

At First Baptist, we do not have a specific small group just for college students. We know that this can sometimes feel intimidating, but we would love for you to join us for our Sunday Morning Small Groups. We believe that students are an essential part of our church, and believe each of you will add depth and meaning to our groups. Our groups meet at 10:15 am. These small groups cover a range of topics from in-depth Bible study to current events. If you are interested in learning more about our different spiritual formation groups, email Brittany and she will be happy to connect you with one that fits you best. 

TIDES Campus Ministry

First Baptist is a member of TIDES, a coalition of affirming churches committed to inclusive campus ministry. TIDES hosts several events throughout the year including a Fall Retreat and an Easter Sunset Service. You can learn more about TIDES here!