Music & Arts


We have a wide array of musical opportunities for our congregation that stem from our belief in the importance of music in the praise and worship of our God.

Chancel Choir 

Each week during the 11:15 a.m. Traditional service, the Chancel Choir sings their praises, prayers and petitions to God. This group is made up of individuals ranging from college students to retirees and practices once a week on Wednesdays from 7:30-8:30 p.m.

Chancel Bells

Chancel Bells is a musical small group that fosters friendship, good times and assists in the congregation’s worship of God. The handbell choir welcomes anyone who reads music but even if you don’t read music, don’t let that stop you! They can help you learn. Chancel Bells rehearse most Wednesdays from 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm from September to June and plays in worship several times a month.
Contact Noah Hartsfield, through the church office   for more information.

Praise Band

The Praise Band, featuring electric guitar, acoustic guitar, bass guitar, keyboard, electric drums and vocalists, plays on Sundays for the 9:15 a.m. Awakening service. If you are interested in joining Praise Band, contact the Church office at

Scholarship Musicians

As a part of our music ministry, First Baptist is grateful to have “scholarship musicians” that are an integral parts of our worship teams. These paid positions are help by college students, many of whom are seeking degrees in music. Scholarship Singers serve as section leaders in our Chancel Choir and Scholarship Players provide musical leadership in our praise band.

Below is a link to the video of the Scholarship Singer's Reunion Concert on Aug.18 2018.
Click here to see and hear the wonder
ful music from our former Scholarship Singers.


First Baptist Church is intentional in developing services that help our congregation experience God in new ways. We seek to revitalize worship by enhancing liturgical worship themes and incorporating visual artistic creations such as colors, fabrics, symbols, banners and plants.
Visit our blog showcasing some our Art installations. Visual Arts in Worship


Odyssey Chamber Music

The Odyssey Chamber Music Series consists of six to seven concerts a year that focus on classical chamber music with an emphasis on highlighting different styles and genres. 

The series premiered in 2004 as an outreach of First Baptist Church of Columbia. Our associate pastor for music and administration, teamed up with Ayako Tsuruta, artistic director for Odyssey, to create the series with the mission of glorifying God while developing community through the arts.

Find out more on the Odyssey Chamber Music Series website.


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