Adult Ministry

First Baptist Small Groups

First Baptist Adult Small Groups take on many forms! Our small groups are designed to help you explore your faith, ask challenging questions about life, grow closer to God, have some fun, and build community with one another. We invite you to explore the opportunities and find a group that works for you.

Sunday Morning Small Groups

Three Adult Small Groups meet every Sunday, on the Second Floor of the Education Building, from 10:15 am-11:15 am to dive into various topics and grow together!

  1. The Discussion class meets in the Parlor, with an option to join by Zoom. This is a diverse group that likes to ask questions and learn from one another. They try to put scripture in context and relate it to their personal lives and current events.

  2. The Connections Small Group meets in the Conference Room, with an option to join by Zoom. This group spends a lot of time building community through conversation about Scripture, faith, and life. The group is made up of people who are single and married, with kids and without.

  3. A new Adult Small Group was formed during the pandemic and is just beginning to get to know one another. This group is meeting in the Office Commons right outside the Pastors’ offices on the Second Floor. This group is made up of people who are single and married. Some have children and others don't.

Other Affinity Groups

Book Club

First Baptist Book Club meets monthly from September-May and reads a variety of books about faith. For more information, contact Pastor Brittany McDonald Null at

Crafty Critters

The Crafty Critters, a ministry of First Baptist Church, began with a question about a crochet stitch from one First Baptist crocheter to another. The group of knitters and crocheters makes infant hats, prayer shawls, and other handcrafted items for individuals in our faith community. The prayer shawls are an expression of congregation's love and support and is a symbol of God’s love. Crafty Critters invites you to join their weekly meeting and fellowship on Tuesdays on the second floor of the church, 2nd floor conference room. Meetings begin at noon and end at the discretion of each “Critter.”

Chancel Bells

Chancel Bells is a musical small group that fosters friendship, good times and assists in the congregation’s worship of God. The handbell choir welcomes anyone who reads music but even if you don’t read music, don’t let that stop you! They can help you learn. Chancel Bells rehearse Wednesdays from 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm from September to June and plays in worship several times a month.
Contact Noah Hartsfield, through the church office at for more information.

Fellowship Adventures

Every month people from the First Baptist community get together and take day trips to local attractions and events. For more information contact Paula Thomas through the church office

First Baptist Hiking Club

Who is ready to explore the great outdoors? Join us as you are lead through some beautiful hiking trails around Columbia, and at times, through other adventures in Missouri. They spend time in the great outdoors together as they build a hiking community, get exercise, and provide healing. If you would like to join them or be on the email list for future hikes, please email Kimberly Moeller through the church office at 


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